Automation and Controls



All Tiffin Control Stations are easy-to-use and reliable. They’re built with industrial grade components and feature a red mushroom head “Emergency Stop” button and key-operated power controls. A recessed control box is available upon request.

Tiffin Scenic GC Series Control Stations

Tiffin Scenic GC Control stations feature directional buttons that require constant pressure for operation.

GC-10 Control Station

Ideal for Single Hoist, Fire Curtain and Arbor Assist Systems.

GC-20 Control Station

Used on Dual Hoist Systems.

GC-40 Control Station

Used on Multi-Hoist Systems.

TRACKER Series Controls


The Tracker Pro control allows users to program up to 8 pre-set positions, which are repeatable and provide accurate batten location.


Tracker Elite features multiple hoist operation plus soft and hard limits. The software empowers users to set targets, adjust hoist speed and monitor batten position.


The Tracker Ultra is a programmable controller that can group hoists together if more than one hoist is needed. The machine also has dual encoders that trigger the brakes and notify users if the system goes out of sync. Other features include load monitoring and “Safe Torque Off,” which allows the drive output to be disabled so that it doesn’t generate torque in the motor.


Tracker Mini features multiple hoist operation plus soft and hard limits. The software empowers users to set targets, adjust hoist speed and monitor batten position.

Sizes available: 10.4” and 7” Touch Screen Controllers


TRACKER access