Types of Trusses for Stages and Theatres

In stage and theatre production, the structural integrity and versatility of the setup are paramount. This is where trusses come into play, serving as the backbone for lighting, sound equipment and scenic elements. There are many types of trusses designed to meet the unique demands of stage and theatre productions, each with its own advantages and applications. Whether for a small community theatre or a large-scale concert, there’s a truss designed to fit every need.

Deco Truss, Triangular Truss, Ladder Truss, Square Truss, and Heavy Duty Truss represent the spectrum of options available to stage and theatre professionals. Each type offers specific benefits and is tailored for particular uses, from aesthetic enhancements to structural support for heavy loads. Understanding the characteristics and applications of each truss type is crucial for designers, technicians, and engineers in the entertainment industry. Let’s explore the specifics of these trusses and how they contribute to the magic of stage and theatre productions.

Deco Truss

Deco Truss, as the name suggests, is primarily used for decorative purposes. It is the go-to choice for adding aesthetic appeal to a stage or theatre setting without compromising on strength. Lightweight yet durable, Deco Trusses are perfect for hanging small lights, banners, and other decor elements that enhance the visual aspect of a production. They are often seen in trade shows, exhibition stands, and small theatre productions where the visual element plays a significant role.

Apart from its decorative utility, the Deco Truss is also valued for its flexibility and ease of installation. Its slender design allows for creative arrangements that can transform a space without the need for heavy lifting equipment. This makes Deco Truss a favorite among designers who aim to create impactful environments with minimal structural visibility.

Triangular Truss

The Triangular Truss stands out for its three-sided design, offering a unique blend of strength and versatility. This type of truss is adept at handling a moderate load, making it suitable for medium-sized lighting setups and equipment suspensions. Its geometric shape allows for easy assembly and disassembly, which is crucial in the fast-paced world of stage and theatre productions.

One of the main advantages of the Triangular Truss is its ability to fit into tighter spaces while providing ample support. This makes it an ideal choice for venues with limited headroom or for use in complex rigging scenarios where space optimization is key. Additionally, its three-sided structure contributes to better load distribution, enhancing the overall stability of the setup.

Ladder Truss

Ladder Truss features a simple, two-sided design, resembling a ladder. It is primarily used for lighter applications, such as hanging curtains, small lights, or as part of the scenery. The Ladder Truss’s straightforward design makes it not only easy to handle and install but also a cost-effective solution for many stage and theatre needs.

Despite its simplicity, the Ladder Truss can be quite versatile. It can be used to create linear structures within a set or to support lightweight scenic elements. Its open design also allows for easy access to equipment mounted on it, making it a practical choice for dynamic stage setups.

Square Truss

Square Truss is known for its robustness and versatility, making it one of the most popular truss types for stages and theatres. Its four-sided design provides excellent load-bearing capacity and stability, ideal for supporting heavy lighting rigs, sound equipment, and large scenic elements. Square Trusses are also highly modular, allowing for the construction of complex structures and grids.

This type of truss is favored for its ability to be used both indoors and outdoors, offering high durability against various conditions. Its modular nature not only facilitates creative setups but also ensures quick assembly and disassembly, streamlining the production process.

Heavy Duty Truss

Heavy Duty Truss is designed for the most demanding applications, capable of supporting the heaviest loads in stage and theatre productions. This truss type is engineered for maximum strength and rigidity, making it the preferred choice for large-scale events, outdoor festivals, and concerts where safety and stability are non-negotiable.

The construction of Heavy Duty Truss allows it to withstand not only heavy weights but also adverse weather conditions, making it exceptionally versatile for outdoor use. Its reliability and durability make it an indispensable component of any large-scale production setup.


The diversity of trusses available to stage and theatre professionals underscores the importance of choosing the right structure for each production’s specific needs. From the visually appealing Deco Truss to the formidable Heavy Duty Truss, each type serves a unique purpose in the creation of captivating and safe environments for audiences. Understanding the strengths and applications of each truss type is essential in achieving the desired outcome for any event or production.

Stage & Theatre Trusses at Tiffin Scenic Studios

At Tiffin Scenic Studios, the selection of trusses for stages and theatres is curated with precision, ensuring that every production can find the perfect structural solution to meet its unique requirements. Our range includes Deco Trusses for aesthetic appeal, Triangular Trusses for efficiency in tight spaces, Ladder Trusses for lightweight applications, Square Trusses for versatile rigging options, and Heavy Duty Trusses for the most demanding loads. Each type is designed with the end user in mind, offering ease of assembly, durability, and safety as foundational principles.

We understand that the success of a production relies not only on the talent on stage but also on the reliability and functionality of the infrastructure that supports it. That’s why Tiffin Scenic Studios is committed to providing top-quality trusses that blend seamlessly with the creative vision of each project. Our team of experts is available to assist in selecting the right truss for your needs, ensuring that your stage or theatre not only looks spectacular but is also structurally sound. Whether you’re planning a local theatre production or a large-scale concert tour, Tiffin Scenic Studios has the expertise and inventory to elevate your project to the next level.